Thursday, September 28, 2017

Stampin' Up! Sheltering Tree

It's the perfect time of year for a Sheltering Tree

Fall has officially begun and as I looked through my stamps to create a few fall cards, I came across a stamp set that had gotten pushed to the back of the shelf.  It did not get overlooked because it's not a great set.  I think sometimes we get so caught up in some of the beautiful, new sets, we forget about the old.   This stamp set reminds me of a beautiful fall day, leaves falling, last bike rides of the summer.  But it also reminds me of winter, summer and spring.  I even remembered that I had a few samples that I had created so I pulled them out to show you just how versatile this set can be.   I will be creating a few fall cards from this set, and I will share them with you at a later date.

The card below is definitely a hot summer day.  The leaves are green and the bike is waiting for someone to come take it for a ride. The sentiment "thinking of you" could say "hey, remember when...."   When I was a kid, I liked to climb trees at my grandpa and grandma's house.  There is one tree in particular that I remember.  My cousin and I were climbing the tree, and I remember it being a little high up to the first branch, but that branch was the perfect angle to hang from.  Apparently grandpa thought we didn't know how to do a flip to get out of the tree, so he grabbed ahold of the branch, wrapped his legs around it and then proceeded to flip out of it.  Do you remember doing that from the monkey bars as a kid?  I still remember that day like it was yesterday. 


 My grandpa has not been with us for many years, but on a visit to see my grandma, I drove by their old house and the tree has grown.  40 years has caused that branch to grow much higher, but its still there.   I secretly wished that I could have stopped and climbed that tree just one more time.   After much looking through my pictures, I finally found it.  Here it is.....THE tree.  The lowest branch on the right is the one.  The only thing it's missing is a bike. 

I had not intended to share the climbing tree picture with you today. In fact, I didn't remember I even had this picture until I started writing this post.   I had actually intended to share several other cards made with the Sheltering Tree stamp set, but I think now that I will just share one more, and I'll save the others for another day.   These cards give you a great idea how the different seasons can be represented.

Thank you for reminiscing with me.  I hope that these seasonal cards brought back some fond memories for you,  too. 

If you need supplies for this, or any other project, please visit my store by clicking HERE!  Please use hostess code 7WJRC6DJ at checkout.  As always, I wish you Happy Stamping!
